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Frequently Asked

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis has always been surrounded by misconception. Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness, of concentration. In the state of hypnosis, it allows the individual to be in a relaxed state and open to suggestions to the subconscious mind. Similarly when you dream, that is the sensation one gets when in the state of hypnosis.

Hypnosis was discovered by Franz Anton Mesmer, together with Milton Erickson were the most influential in hypnosis, allowing it to be reaching its current level of popularity.

How is hypnosis similar to meditation?

Meditation allows you to relax your mind and body. As such, you have the ability to imagine yourself and get a big picture of what is happening.

When under the suggestions of hypnosis, not only are you in a relaxed state, you allow your imagination and guidance help you see better and understand what is presented to you. In other words, your focus and attention towards a particular component of your life can be better understood.

Can you do self-hypnosis?

The whole point of sharing the skill of hypnosis is to allow one to do self-hypnosis. When we enable each individual to learn and develop their skills of self-hypnosis, these empower one in their daily lives and further strengthen their abilities.

Self-hypnosis requires practice, requires one to fully get knowledge of ones strengths and weaknesses. There are many different skills, that each person develops, there is not one way of doing this.

How do I prepare for a hypnosis session?

Just as you prepare to go for a class, or go on a field trip, you focus on the time you are going to do your session. This is your time, a moment for yourself, a chance to explore, give yourself this opportunity.

Not only are you taking time to yourself, you are giving yourself a gift to better understand your family, your relationship with others and more importantly, what patterns in your life allow you to grow.

Can hypnosis be combined with sound and smells?

Hypnosis does not produce side effects, as such, you can combine it with smells our even sounds. This combination, enables each individual to further ponder in their different qualities. When we work with smell or sounds, we are aiding the person to anchor the emotion with the smell or sound.

When we work with the smell, we use smell retraining therapy, each person reacts differently to different smells. This is common, sometimes the smells that trigger us, are the ones that require special attention. Smells bring memories and as such these open up new patterns of personal growth.

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Generally speaking, mostly everyone can be hypnotized unless there is a medical condition that a medical doctor recommends a hypnosis not take place.

When we seek to develop and grow as a person, an individual and as a member of our community, we face many challenges in life. In allowing us to build a strong leap forward, we show interest in hypnosis, which makes the session easier and brings more out of it.